This Will Be The Last Total Solar Eclipse For Another Two Decades

On April 8th, 2024, a breathtaking celestial spectacle will occur: a total solar eclipse. This is an extremely rare occurrence and won’t happen again until 2044. On this day, the moon will pass directly between the sun and Earth, casting a huge shadow over most of North America. This year, it will be brighter than ever.

The daylight will dim and stars will appear in the middle of the day. Temperatures will drop and animals will behave as if it were nighttime. For just a few minutes, the world will be transformed.

Where To Witness The 2024 Total Eclipse?

The total solar eclipse will be visible across most of North America. The path of totality, which is where the eclipse will be fully visible, will include provinces like Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland.

In the United States, the eclipse will be visible from Texas to Maine. A total of thirteen states will be fully experiencing the effect. It will also be visible across some parts of Mexico.

2024 Solar Eclipse Path & NPS Locations, Google My Maps

For information on where to watch the eclipse in your city, find an online map such as the one at

When Will The Eclipse Occur?

The eclipse will begin shortly after 3 PM local time. The duration and time of the eclipse might vary by location. For those in the path of totality, the extraordinary experience will last around two to four-and-a-half minutes.

The Ring of Fire

During an annular eclipse, a phenomenon known as the “Ring of Fire” might appear. When the eclipse is at its peak, the sun will create a halo of light around the moon’s silhouette. This makes it seem as if there is a ring of fire against the dark sky.

During a total eclipse, the moon completely blocks out the sun and no ring is visible. However, this year’s total eclipse will occur simultaneously with the solar maximum.

Solar Maximum

The solar maximum is when the sun is most active during its eleven-year cycle. During a solar maximum, the sun will eject coronal mass and solar flares.

It might be possible to witness plasmas extending from the sun, and the shape of the sun will appear more spikey. Additionally, the plasma might appear to be pink and red due to the charged particles and magnetic fields involved.

How The Total Eclipse Proves Earth Isn’t Flat

One popular theory is that the earth is flat. Known as “flat-earthers”, this group actively spreads misinformation without fact-checking. This year’s total eclipse will prove that the earth is round.

A total eclipse demonstrates that Earth casts a round shadow on the moon. This only makes sense if the earth is a sphere since a flat object would cast a flat shadow.

Plus, the path of the moon through Earth’s shadow during a total eclipse is curved. If the earth was flat, the path of the moon would be straight, which isn’t possible.

Closures Caused By The Eclipse

The total eclipse will cause several disruptions and closures. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) warned of delays due to large amounts of people traveling during the eclipse.

Some schools are also choosing the close on the day of the eclipse. This is to ensure the students’ and staff’s safety.

How Long Can You Look At A Solar Eclipse Before Going Blind?

When observing the total eclipse, make sure to put safety first. Looking at the sun during an eclipse for even a second can cause permanent damage or blindness.

It is safe to look at the sun only when it is completely covered by the moon. However, this stage only lasts for a few minutes. Caution is advised, even during this period.

To ensure protection against eyesight, it is recommended to use proper solar viewing equipment, such as eclipse glasses. Normal sunglasses will not suffice!

Be sure to protect yourself you that you can witness this magnificent event. It won’t happen again for another two decades!

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